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16/07/2021 |
The 1901 census records Thomas as 4 years old. The family is living at Annaloughan, Augher. Thomas senior was a farmer. |
16/07/2021 |
The 1911 census does not list Thomas as living with the family at house 8 in Annaloughan, Augher. His mother was a widow and now a farmer. |
16/07/2021 |
Thomas James Kernaghan was the oldest son of Thomas and Sarah Kernaghan. Thomas Kernaghan and Sarah Cooke were married on 4th June 1895 in the district of Dungannon. |
16/07/2021 |
Thomas Kernaghan was born on 12th May 1896 in Augher, County Tyrone. He was the oldest of at least seven children, all born in the Clogher area. |
16/07/2021 |
Thomas’s father died in the Clogher area on 12th February 1905. He was 50 years old. Thomas would have been nine years old. |
16/07/2021 |
The CWGC record Private Thomas James Kernaghan as the son of Thomas Kernaghan of Annaloughan, Augher, County Tyrone. |
16/07/2021 |
The 1911 census has a possible listing of Thomas, aged 14, living at house 14 in Main Street, Augher. He was working as servant for the McLaren family in Augher. |
16/07/2021 |
Thomas Kernaghan enlisted in Omagh. |
16/07/2021 |
Private Thomas Kernaghan arrived in France with the Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers on 29th August 1914. |
16/07/2021 |
Private Thomas James Kernaghan was serving with the 2nd Battalion of the Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers when he died on 4th December 1915. Because he is buried in Rouen, which was a ‘hospital’ town, it seems likely that Private Thomas Kernaghan died of wounds received. |
16/07/2021 |
In his will Thomas left all to his sister Charlotte. |
16/07/2021 |
Private Thomas Kernaghan is buried in St Sever Cemetery on the outskirts of Rouen in France. His inscription reads: EVER REMEMBERED BY HIS LOVING BROTHERS AND SISTERS AND BROTHER IN LAW |
16/07/2021 |
Private Thomas James Kernaghan is commemorated locally on Clogher War Memorial, listed as being from Annaloughan. |
16/07/2021 |
Known family: Thomas Kernaghan, Sarah Kernaghan, Thomas James Kernaghan (born 12th May 1896), Charlotte Kernaghan (born 21st July 1897), Mark Kernaghan (born 27th July 1899), Maria Kernaghan (born 31st March 1901), William John Kernaghan (born 4th January 1903), Robert Kernaghan (born 23rd November 1904), Sarah Kernaghan (born about 1909). |
30/05/2020 |
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30/12/2015 |
Last Will and Testament of Thomas Kernaghan: |
30/12/2015 |
30/12/2015 |
'In the event of my death, I give the whole of my property and effects to my sister Sharlotte. Thomas Kernaghan. No 10660, Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers. 5th September 1915. ' |
30/12/2015 |