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16/10/2021 |
The CWGC record Private Thomas Henry Morgan as the son of Jane and Henry Morgan of Federal Chambers, Molesworth Street, Lismore, New South Wales. He is listed as being a native of County Tyrone, Ireland. |
16/10/2021 |
Private Thomas Henry Morgan is buried in Gezaincourt Communal Cemetery Extension in France. |
16/10/2021 |
Known family: Henry Morgan, Jane Morgan, Thomas Henry Morgan (born 18th March 1885), Leslie C Morgan (born 17th March 1887), Edith E Morgan (born 23rd May 1889), Isabella Morgan (born 1st August 1891, died 2nd March 1897, age 5), William Charles Morgan (born 19th November 1894), Ernest Ralph Morgan (born 23rd December 1899). |
16/10/2021 |
Thomas Henry Morgan was born on 18th March 1885 near Newmills. He was the oldest of at least six children, all born in the Coalisland area. |
16/10/2021 |
Thomas Henry Morgan was the eldest son Henry and Jane Morgan. Henry Morgan and Jane Christie were married on 24th July 1883 in Derry City. |
16/10/2021 |
Private T H Morgan , 49th Battalion. He was admitted to this C.C.S on 6-4-18 suffering from a penetrating gun shot wound in the chest and gunshot wounds in both arms, the left arm being fractured. He was operated on the 8-4-18, but died on that date. He was buried by Rev. M W Cuthbert on the 9th April 1918. His place of burial is Grave no 20 – Row X – Plot 1 – communal Cemetery Extension, Gezaincourt, near Doullens.’ |
30/12/2015 |
Thomas joined the Royal Irish Constabulary in 1906 and remained with them until 1910. |
30/12/2015 |
30/12/2015 |
Private Thomas Henry Morgan served with the 49th Battalion of the Australian Infantry, AIF. |
30/12/2015 |
Thomas enlisted in Australia on 20 September 1916. He gives his next of kin as his mother – Mrs Jane Morgan, Bounty Street, Lismore, New South Wales. |
30/12/2015 |
Particulars required for the Roll of Honour of Australia in the Memorial War Museum. |
30/12/2015 |
30/12/2015 |
Died of Wounds 8-4-18. Informant Sgt McGill 2424, 49th Battalion D Company 14th Pl. No1 Command Depot, Sutton Veny. |
30/12/2015 |
It seems that some of the family emigrated to Australia about 1914. Thomas was aged about 25. |
30/12/2015 |
'Morgan was a farmer and had been a policeman before joining the Army. He came from the north of Ireland and was a tall fair man. We were at Dernicourt on April 5th and engaged in an attack when Morgan was hit by machine gun fire, one bullet passing through his lungs, others breaking both his arms. We handed him down to the S Ba. He was then alive, and I know nothing of his burial.' |
30/12/2015 |
The 1901 census records Thomas H as 16 years old. He was living with the family at Drumard, Tullyniskane, Tyrone. He was working for his father on the farm. |
30/12/2015 |
He lived with the family at Lismore, Richmond River, New South Wales where he worked as a Motor Driver. |
30/12/2015 |
“I saw him wounded – both arms broken by a machine gun explosion bullet. Taken to D/S. do not know any further particulars. Enlisted in Queensland, age about 30, tall, well built and dark.” |
30/12/2015 |
He was educated at Newmills National School. |
30/12/2015 |
Reference : T B Fairbairn 3161, H.Q. Con Camp Buchy Nr Rouen. 23 August 1918 |
30/12/2015 |
30/12/2015 |
Letter from the C.C, 56th CCS, British Expeditionary Force - London, 12-8-18 |
30/12/2015 |
'Private T H Morgan , 49th Battalion. He was admitted to this C.C.S on 6-4-18 suffering from a penetrating gun shot wound in the chest and gunshot wounds in both arms, the left arm being fractured. He was operated on the 8-4-18, but died on that date. He was buried by Rev. M W Cuthbert on the 9th April 1918. His place of burial is Grave no 20 – Row X – Plot 1 – communal Cemetery Extension, Gezaincourt, near Doullens.' |
30/12/2015 |
30/12/2015 |
The actual notification sent to his mother |
30/12/2015 |
Private Thomas Henry Morgan died of wounds received in action at Gezaincourt on 8th April 1918, age 33. |
30/12/2015 |
Thomas Henry Morgan is also commemorated on Newmills LOL 183 Roll of Honour. |
30/12/2015 |