Date |
Information |
20/01/2021 |
From the London Advertiser, unknown date: Year in Trenches Before being hit by German |
20/01/2021 |
The family lived at 689 Colborne Street, London, Ontario. |
20/01/2021 |
20/01/2021 |
20/01/2021 |
Private A J Carson, reported on Tuesday as being wounded on 22nd September and in No. 12 Hospital in Boulogne. He crossed with the first detached company of the 33rd Battalion, and had been in the trenches for more than a year before he was nicked by a German bullet. Private Carson was a young Irishman who came to this city three years ago, and was a member of Hackett Lodge L.O.L. No. 805. His cousin, Jack McCombe, was reported wounded some time ago. Private Carson lives at 689 Colborne Street. |
20/01/2021 |
From the London Advertiser, unknown date: London Boy Killed in Action, Enlisted in 33rd Battalion |
20/01/2021 |
20/01/2021 |
Although the Canadians have been moved back from the front line, casualty reports continue to come through. Joseph Carson, of 689 Colborne Street, was officially notified this morning that his son, Private Andrew James Carson, was killed in action on 21st November. Private Carson enlisted a year ago with the 33rd Battalion, but on his arrival in England was transferred to another battalion. He was 22 years old and before enlisting, was employed by the C S Hyman Company. Private Carson is survived by his father, two brothers, Joseph William and Robert J, and one sister, Sydney Margaret, all of this city. He was a member of Hackett Lodge L.O.L. No. 805, and of St Paul’s Cathedral. He was a native of County Tyrone, Ireland. Corporal J R McCombe, who resided with the Carson family prior to the war, and was killed in action two months ago, was a cousin. An uncle and another cousin are fighting with the 9th Inniskillings. |
20/01/2021 |
20/01/2021 |
Private Andrew James Carson is also commemorated on the family gravestone in Mount Pleasant Cemetery, London, Ontario. |
20/01/2021 |
12/01/2017 |
12/01/2017 |
Private A J Carson has no known grave and is commemorated on the Vimy Memorial. |
12/01/2017 |
12/01/2017 |
After training, Private Andrew Carson sailed with his unit from Montreal for England. |
12/01/2017 |
On 22nd September Private Carson was admitted to 13 Stationary Hospital in Boulogne with gunshot wounds to his right arm and left thigh. He was transferred to 1 Conv. Depot, Boulogne, on 27th September. |
12/01/2017 |
Private Carson was discharged to base and returned to his unit in the field on 19th October. |
12/01/2017 |
Private Andrew James Carson was serving with the 1st Battalion of the Canadian Infantry when he was killed in action on 21st November 1916 in the Vimy sector. |
12/01/2017 |
12/01/2017 |
12/01/2017 |
From the Belfast Newsletter dated 22nd December 1916: |
12/01/2017 |
12/01/2017 |
Private A J Carson, Canadian Forces, formerly of Augher, County Tyrone, has been killed in action |
12/01/2017 |
12/01/2017 |
11/01/2017 |
Andrew enlisted on 16th January 1915 in London, Ontario. He gave his next of kin as his father, Joseph. |
11/01/2017 |
11/01/2017 |
Andrew James Carson was the son of Joseph and Lizzie Carson. They were married about 1889. |
11/01/2017 |
Andrew Carson was born on 2nd January 1893 in the Eskermore area. His enlistment papers give the date as 1893, GRONI as 1892. He was one of six children, four surviving. |
11/01/2017 |
Family: Joseph Carson, Lizzie Carson, Joseph William Carson (born 11th February 1890), Andrew James Carson (born 2nd January 1892), Robert J Carson (born 26th July 1894), Sidney M Carson (born 12th October 1897). |
11/01/2017 |
The 1901 census lists Andrew J as age 9, living with the family at house 15 in Eskermore, Cecil, County Tyrone. His father, Joseph Carson, was a farmer. |
11/01/2017 |
The 1911 census lists Andrew J as age 19, living with the family at house 15 in Eskermore, Cecil, County Tyrone. Both he and his father were farmers. |
11/01/2017 |
Prior to enlisting, Andrew Carson worked as a turner, a lathe setter-operator. He worked for C S Hyman Company. |
11/01/2017 |
11/01/2017 |
Andrew Carson emigrated to Canada around 1914. |