Date |
Information |
07/07/2021 |
Private Austin Kelly is listed on page 15 of the Fivemiletown book, from which most of these details come from. Many thanks to Mark Byers for the information. |
07/07/2021 |
Private Kelly is commemorated locally on Fivemiletown War Memorial. |
07/07/2021 |
According to a local newspaper report, Private Kelly was wounded in the ensuing battle. |
07/07/2021 |
Austin Kelly enlisted in Dublin. He was living in Clonmellon, County Westmeath at the time. |
07/07/2021 |
Austin Kelly was the son of John and Annie Kelly (nee Austin). |
29/05/2020 |
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06/09/2016 |
06/09/2016 |
From the Belfast Newsletter dated 18th September 1915: |
06/09/2016 |
Private Austin Kelly, No 13826, C Company, 7th Pals Battalion Royal Dublin Fusiliers, 30th Infantry Brigade, 10th Division, has been wounded at the Dardanelles, and is at present in hospital. This information has been communicated officially to his brother, Constable J D Kelly, Royal Irish Constabulary, Maghera. |
30/12/2015 |
Austin was born on 12th November 1896 in Fivemiletown, County Tyrone. He was one of eight children. |
30/12/2015 |
The CWGC record Private Kelly as the son of John and Annie Kelly of Clonmellon, Co. Westmeath. |
30/12/2015 |
Private Kelly has no known grave and is commemorated on panel 190-196 on Helles Memorial, Turkey |
30/12/2015 |
Private Austin Kelly died on Monday 16th August 1915. He was 18 years old. |
30/12/2015 |
Private Austin Kelly was serving with C Company, 7th Battalion of the Royal Dublin Fusiliers, when he landed at Suvla Bay in Gallipoli on 9th August 1915. |
30/12/2015 |
The 1911 census lists Austin as age 14 living at Heathland, Ballinalack, County Westmeath. He was boarding at Wilsons' Hospital School. The school was a fee-paying Church of Ireland institution. His younger brother, Robert Benjamin, is also listed. |
30/12/2015 |
Family: John Kelly, Annie Kelly, William S Kelly (born about 1887, County Westmeath), John Dyas Kelly (born about 1890, County Westmeath), Henry Stewart Kelly (born about 1891, County Westmeath), Jane Eliza Kelly (born about 1893), Thomas James Kelly (born 18th September 1894, Fivemiletown), Austin Kelly (born 12th November 1896, Fivemiletown), Benjamin Robert Kelly (born 27th April 1898, Fivemiletown), Margaret Ann Kelly (born about 1905, County Westmeath). |
30/12/2015 |
The 1911 census does not list Austin as living with the family at house 30 in Clonmellon Town, Killua, Westmeath. This census form implies that Annie Kelly was also an Royal Irish Constabulary, but this seems highly unlikely, considering the size of the family and there are no paid live-in helpers. |
30/12/2015 |
The 1901 census lists Austin as age 4 living with the family at house 22 in Clonmellon Town, Killna, Westmeath. John Kelly was a constable in the Royal Irish Constabulary. |
30/12/2015 |
Austin Kelly was the uncle of Oisin Kelly who was to become a famous sculptor. |