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26/10/2021 |
The 1911 census records ‘JP M’ as being at D District Glenravel Street Barracks in Belfast. |
26/10/2021 |
Joseph P Murphy was the eldest son of Bartholomew and Fanny Murphy. Bartholomew Murphy and Fanny Archibald were married on 11th January 1881 in the district of Omagh. |
26/10/2021 |
Joseph Murphy was born on 25th December 1881 in Clogher. He was the eldest of at least nine children. |
26/10/2021 |
Joseph was a constable in the Royal Irish Constabulary (R.I.C.). |
26/10/2021 |
26/10/2021 |
The 1911 census does not Joseph as living with the family at house 31 in Annalee Street, Clifton, Belfast. Neither parent is living with the family. |
26/10/2021 |
Joseph’s brother, Leslie Murphy, was a professional footballer. He was a goalkeeper who played for Belfast Celtic, Glentoran and Leeds United, amongst others. |
26/10/2021 |
In his will, he left all to his sister, Maria Murphy, who was a nurse at the Union Hospital in Belfast. |
26/10/2021 |
Joseph’s brother, Bartholomew Murphy, also served in the war. Bartholomew Murphy enlisted August 1914. He had been a policeman (presumably in Canada). He survived the war. |
26/10/2021 |
Lance-Sergeant Joseph Murphy is buried in Douchy-les-Ayette British Cemetery, 13 kilometres south of Arras in France. |
26/10/2021 |
Private Joseph Murphy arrived in France with the Irish Guards on 17uth August 1915. |
26/10/2021 |
From an unknown Belfast Newspaper: Private Joe Murphy |
26/10/2021 |
26/10/2021 |
Private Joe Murphy, 2nd Battalion Irish Guards, late of Glenravel Street, R.I.C., who volunteered for service at the front. He was wounded at the advance on Loos on 28th September, and has been allowed leave for convalescence. Private Murphy is a brotnher of the well-known Glentoran goalkeeper Leslie Murphy, who has joined the South Irish Horse. Another brother, Bartley, is with the Canadian Princess Pats. |
26/10/2021 |
Known family: Bartholomew Murphy, Fanny Murphy, Joseph P Murphy (born 25th December 1881, Clogher), John Murphy (born 14th October 1883, Newtownstewart), Bartholomew Murphy (born 26th August 1885, Dunnamanagh), Patrick Murphy (born 13th March 1887, Dunnamanagh), Margaretta Murphy (born 22nd April 1889, Dunnamanagh), Leslie ‘Athinesasis’ Murphy (born 11th May 1891, Dunnamanagh), Marie Murphy (born 17th March 1893, Dunnamanagh), Mary Murphy (born 16th July 1895, Castlederg), Frances Murphy (born about 1899, County Tipperary). |
01/06/2020 |
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10/03/2017 |
30/12/2015 |
Joseph P Murphy was living in Liverpool when he enlisted. |
30/12/2015 |
In the event of my death, I give the whole of my property and effects to my sister Miss Maria Marcellina (?) Murphy. (Address: Nurse M Murphy, Union Hospital, Belfast, Ireland). Joseph Murphy, 1st Battalion of the Irish Guards. 7th October 1917. |
30/12/2015 |
30/12/2015 |
Last Will and Testament of Joseph Murphy: |
30/12/2015 |
Lance-Sergeant Joseph Murphy was serving with the 1st Battalion of the Irish Guards when he was killed in action on Saturday 30th March 1918. |