7th Battalion, South Lancashire Regiment (British Army)
Date Of Birth:
31/10/1918 (Prisoner of War)
Edward Corrigan was the youngest son of Michael and Margaret Corrigan. He was born on 9th July 1892. He was the youngest of twelve children, all born in the Clogher area. They were a farming family from Carryclogher. He enlisted in Clogher. It seems Private Edward Corrigan became a prisoner of war on 19th December 1917. Private Edward Corrigan was serving with the 7th Battalion of the Prince of Wales Volunteers (South Lancashire Regiment) when he died a prisoner of war on 21st October 1918.
Hamburg is a large city in the north of Germany, approx 150kms to the north of Hannover. Hamburg Ohlsdorf Cemetery (Friedhof Ohlsdorf) is the biggest non-military cemetery in the world. There are 3 Commonwealth War Graves plots located within Hamburg Ohlsdorf Cemetery:- Hamburg Cemetery Ohlsdorf 1914-1918 / Hamburg Cemetery Ohlsdorf 1939-1945 / Hamburg Cemetery Ohlsdorf Post War.