157th Field Company, Royal Engineers (British Army)
Date Of Birth:
12/10/1918 (Killed in Action)
James Joseph Leonard was a son of James and Sarah Ann Leonard, nee Quinn. He was born on 23rd September 1884 in Brackaville, Coalisland. He was one of at least nine children. His father was a brick layer and a stone mason. James enlisted in Tuam, County Galway, where he was working. Sapper James Joseph Leonard was serving with the 157th Field Company of the Royal Engineers when he died at the Heute Deûle Canal in France on 12th October 1918. Sapper Leonard was killed at a pontoon bridge.
Cambrin is a village about 24 kilometres north of Arras and 8 kilometres east of Bethune on the road to La Bassee. The Cemetery is on the north side of the road and is approached by a path from the main road.