Town : |
Aughnacloy |
Latitude : |
54.413324 |
Lontitude : |
-6.972973 |
Date Unveiled : |
09/11/1919 |
The World War One Memorial Tablet is located in Aughnacloy Presbyterian Church, which is on the B35 Road to the South East of Aughnacloy. |
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From the Tyrone Courier and Dungannon News dated Thursday 13 November 1919: Honouring the Heroes
An interesting ceremony took place during the progress of the evening service in Aughnacloy Presbyterian Church on Sunday 9th November 1919 when a handsome black marble memorial tablet, erected by the congregation in honour of the five members who fell in the late war and sixteen others who served, was unveiled and a communion plate with two individual communion cups were dedicated for the same purpose. There was a large congregation present. The special preacher was Rev Thomas McKinney M.A. of Glenhoy. Rev R Park, Ballygawley and Rev W R Barclay, B.D., Aughnacloy, also participating in the service, the former reading the dedication prayer. The unveiling ceremony was gracefully carried out by Dr G A Pringle M.D., who served a term with the R.A.M.C. during the war. As the Union Jack covering the tablet was removed, the inscription with the list of names in gold lettering was revealed to the congregation the ceremony being a very impressive and touching one. The inscription is as follows:-
'In memory of the many connected with this congregation who served in the war, 1914-1919. The tablet and the communion plate are gratefully dedicated.'
The follows the names of the fallen:-
Captain S Flucke, R.I.F
Pte W Smyth, R.I.F
Pte A White, R.I.F
Pte J Hall, R.I.F
Pte J R McDonald, R.A.M.C.
Those having served:
Capt G A Pringle M.D., R.A.M.C.
Sergeant W Galbraith, R.I.F
Sergeant W T McDonald, R.G.A.
Pte W Leany, R.I.Reg
Pte A Robinson, R.I.F
Pte R J Carbitt, S.G.
Pte B Wilson, Canadians
Sergeant A Moore, R.I.F
Cpl. John Boyd, N.Z.R.B.
Pte W Burton, R.I.Reg
Pte S White, R.I.F.
Pte R McCleery, R.M.F.
Pte C Wilson, Canadians
Pte J Boyle, R.I.R.
Sister L S Moffitt, O.A.I.M., N.S.R.