Friends of the Somme - Mid Ulster Branch
No Pic Gr. Page Service No Rank Name Regiment / Service Battalion Date Of Death
1 Portrait Portrait 38 Maj MacAuley, William Ingram Army Vet Cor null 14/05/1917
2 Portrait Portrait 34 875269 Pte. Hogg, William Can Inf 08th Batt 28/04/1917
3 Portrait Portrait 54 21666 Pte. Templeton, Ernest Churchill Can Inf 05th Batt 25/05/1917
4 Portrait Portrait 13 228347 Pte. Bates, David Clements Can Inf 58 Batt 14/09/1917
5 Portrait Portrait 56 105163 Pte. Welsh, James Can Inf 06th Batt 09/04/1917
6 Portrait Portrait 39 475368 L/Corp MacLurg, William Can Lt Inf East Ont 15/09/1916
7 Portrait Portrait 28 Chap Greer, Rev Richard Ussher Chaplains null 23/06/1915
8 Portrait Portrait 19 3190 Pte. Burgess, Robert King Holmes East Afr Pion null 17/03/1916
9 Portrait 53 Capt Tackaberry, John Bailey Ind Med Serv 83rd comb hosp 25/03/1917
10 Portrait Portrait 11 2nd Lt Aird, Archibald Thomas London Reg IR null 30/11/1917
11 Portrait Portrait 55 Chap Watson M.C., John Edmund Malone Middlesex 21 Batt 10/04/1918
12 Portrait Portrait 27 Capt Flood M.C., Robert Samuel North I H 09th Batt 05/12/1917
13 Portrait Portrait 12 2nd Lt Andrews, William James Morrison R Air Corps null 04/06/1917
14 Portrait Portrait 36 2nd Lt Johnston, Walter Wilson R Dub Fus 02nd Batt 17/05/1920
15 Portrait Portrait 47 Lieut Rose-Cleland, Alfred Middleton Blackwood R Dub Fus 01st Batt 01/07/1916
16 Portrait Portrait 52 2nd Lt Stewart, Joseph R Dub Fus 04th Batt 16/08/1917
17 Portrait Portrait 16 52729 2nd Lt Brown, Laurence Crawford R Inn Fus 08th Batt 16/08/1917
18 Portrait Portrait 46 2nd Lt Porter, William R Inn Fus 06th Batt 01/07/1916
19 Portrait Portrait 43 41505 L/Corp McManus, Randal Edmund R Irish Fus 09th Batt 19/04/1918
20 Portrait Portrait 35 41146 Sgt. Irwin, William Garnett Wolsley R Irish Fus 09th Batt 26/08/1918
21 Portrait Portrait 48 2nd Lt Smyth, Gordon Dill L R Irish Fus 13th Batt 16/08/1917
22 Portrait Portrait 14 14794 Capt Beatty, Hugh Hogg R Irish Rif 22nd Entrench 31/03/1918
23 Portrait Portrait 23 2nd Lt Carson, William John White R Irish Rif 14th Batt 01/07/1916
24 Portrait 31 Lieut Harper, Ernest Magowan R Mun Fus 07th Batt 09/08/1915
25 Portrait 40 3936 Pte. Marshall, Charles Frederick R Mun Fus 08th Batt 09/09/1916
26 Portrait 18 2nd Lt Brown, William R Mun Fus 03rd Batt 01/03/1918
27 Portrait Portrait 37 Capt Lyons, William Thomas R Wel Fus 10th Batt 03/03/1916
28 Portrait Portrait 33 2nd Lt Hodge, Wilfred RAF 99 Squad 24/04/1918
29 Portrait Portrait 50 Maj Smyth, Robertson Stewart RAMC null 05/04/1916
30 Portrait Portrait 24 Capt Cummings, William Gordon RAMC null 18/05/1917
31 Portrait Portrait 45 433137 Pte. Neville, Robert Roy Can Reg 49th Batt 01/10/1918
32 Portrait Portrait 26 Capt Duggan, Frederick John Roy Fld Art null 21/03/1916
33 Portrait 21 Lt Cmdr Campbell, George Richard Colin Royal Navy null 10/10/1918
34 Portrait Portrait 44 4147 Pte. Morrison, Walter Robert SA Inf 1st Regmient 18/07/1916
35 Portrait Portrait 41 Q/Master McAllan, George Herbert SA Med Corps null 14/12/1918
36 Portrait 20 Trooper Burrowes, Hamilton Hugh SA Mnt Rif 5th Reg 25/07/1916
37 Portrait Portrait 29 Lieut Harper, Edgar Henry South Staff 08th Batt 10/07/1916
Institute History
The Royal School is a public mixed school located in Dungannon, County Tyrone, Northern Ireland. It was one of a number of 'free schools' created by James I in 1608 to provide an education to the sons of local merchants and farmers during the plantation of Ulster. Originally set up in Mountjoy near Lough Neagh in 1614, it moved to its present location in 1636. It was founded as a boys school but became co-ed in 1986 when the school amalgamated with the Dungannon High School for Girls.
It has four 'sister' schools, The Royal School, Armagh in Armagh, County Armagh, The Portora Royal School in Enniskillen, County Fermanagh, The Cavan Royal School in County Cavan, and The Royal and Prior School in Raphoe, County Donegal. The original intention had been to have a "Royal School" in each of Ireland's counties (James I Order in Council read, "that there shall be one Free School at least appointed in every County, for the education of youth in learning and religion.") but only five were actually established, the schools planned for other counties never came into being. These schools provided an English style education to the sons of landed settlers in Ireland, most of whom were of Scottish or English descent.
The school's Roll of Honour was the main source of who served and died in the two Wars.
From the Tyrone Courier dated 3rd December 1914:
However, in 2014 a book was published by Paul Kerr of the Royal School Dungannon called "From Flanders Fields to Lone Gallipoli". This excellently researched book relates the history of the RSD pupils who served in the armed forces during the First World War. It includes information about some 200 former RSD pupils, including detailed biographies of the 37 men who gave their lives during the conflict.
The book is available from the Royal School Dungannon, priced at ten pounds.
Town : Dungannon
Latitude : 54.503254
Lontitude : -6.763718

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Institute / Book References and Links
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1 Royal School Dungannon Details of the book
2 Tyrone Times - 25/09/2014 From Flanders Fields to Lone Gallipoli newspaper report