Friends of the Somme - Mid Ulster Branch
Region : Taveta, Mombasa, Kenya
Latitude : -3.391493
Lontitude : 37.664945
CWGC Link : 12212
Taveta is a small town on the Tanzanian border, 124 kilometres west of Voi on the road to Moshi. The Military Cemetery is on the western side of the town, within sight of the border post and next to the DC's office. The cemetery is almost square, set back slightly from the road and surrounded by a 4 foot paling fence. The cemetery is laid to gravel over concrete with scattered drought tolerant shrubs.

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Dungannon Casualties
No     Rank Name Service No Regiment / Service Date Of Death Grave Ref
1 Portrait Portrait Pte. Burgess, Robert King Holmes 3190 East Africa Pioneers 17/03/1916 Grave 7-B-10
Cemetery History